Categories Coffee

Raspberry Coffee Cakes

Raspberry coffee cakes combine the tart appeal of juicy red berries with the moist decadence of traditionally-baked, high-quality coffee cakes. Cakes that have fruit in the recipe have long been a favorite with people all over the world. Raspberries are a decadent little berry, and a slice of raspberry coffee cake will bring out the flavor of a cup of dark-roasted coffee, served black.

Raspberry coffee cakes also go remarkably well with fragrant teas. The best way to enjoy chats with neighbors, meetings with friends, and family get-togethers is over slices of excellent coffee cake. The best coffee cakes are …

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Categories Drug

The Art of Passing A Drug Test in A Week

The habit of drug testing has become very popular nowadays, since the usage of many substances is legal in many states, and by that, more and more people are deciding to take advantages and experience some other states of consciousness. Because of this, the employers have faced a lot of problems when it comes to the stereotypes linked with the usage of marijuana for example, believing that it is unbeneficial for each company to employ people that won’t be able to face the duties followed with a certain working position because of this substances abuse habit. But however, those tests …

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Categories Tea

Easy and Sweet Recipes for a Holiday Tea Party

Holiday tea parties require attractive and sweet finger foods. Miniature cheesecakes, pies and cheese fruit squares are easy to make.

Tea party food is a unique mixture of snacks and finger foods. There should be one “savory” item, such as a mini-sandwich or quiche, and a sampling of sweets, such as cookies, mini-pastries or petit fours. These are some easy but fancy sweets for holiday tea parties.

Miniature Cheesecakes

Cupcake size cheesecakes are attractive and easy to make. Use cupcake forms and a cookie on the bottom instead of pastry shells for these cute little cakes. Mini-cheesecakes make a colorful …

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Categories Food

What's Really in Your Food? Top Eight Lines of the Most Common Claims You'll Find on Your Food

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The foods on supermarket shelves have more health information on their labels than ever before–but that has only made it more confusing to figure out what to buy. Read on to learn which nutritional claims you can trust and which are pure hype.

With all of the health promises made on food packaging today (“100% natural!” “0 grams trans fat!”), you’d think it’d be easier than ever to eat right. But scan grocery store shelves to figure out what to buy, and you’re bound to feel frustrated. “There’s so much information on products that it can be challenging for the …

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Categories Kratom

All you need to know before you buy kratom

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Kratom is an herb that is mostly grown in the south of Asia. The leaves of the herb are consumed either by making tea, used as capsules and also chewed. At the right doses, kratom produces may good benefits including stimulation and pain relieving.

Different individuals have different reasons why they BUY KRATOM depending on the results they hope to achieve from their consumption. It is therefore important to understand everything about kratom before deciding to purchase and use it and Say no to disease.

Kratom comes in different strains, and each produces different effects on the user.

Benefits accrued

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Categories Health

Are You Aware of the Health Benefits of Nuts? Get Informed – Your Body Will Thank You!

There are a multitude of different types of nuts like: Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Cashew Nuts, Chest Nuts, Hazel Nuts and Walnuts! All chocked full of wonderful health benefits! I've chosen six for your consideration!

My diet includes a variety of nuts. I enjoy them all! They have distinct taste, and health benefits that will keep you coming back for more! I'll start with the almond.


If you're looking for a food that aids in keeping your bones healthy, add almonds to your diet.

Almonds provide the body with:

  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin E
  • Zinc
  • Antioxidants flavonoids

Brazil Nuts

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Categories Tea

2010 Virginia Tea Party Patriots Convention Largest to Date

This past weekend, October 8-9, 2010, a Tea Party convention in Richmond attracted close to 3,000 attendees. Thirty-three Tea Party organizations from around the state comprise the sponsoring Tea Party Patriot Federation. The convention organizers and workers were strictly unpaid volunteers drawn from around the state who put together a professional line-up of speakers and educational programs for the two day event.

Keynote speakers, musicians, and films were presented in a large arena that frequently erupted in cheering and standing ovations from the crowd. The meeting began with a stirring convocation by Bishop E.W. Jackson on Friday morning and wrapped …

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Categories Pregnancy

8 Reasons for Delay in Your Period Apart from Pregnancy

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However, the 21st century has brought with itself many wonders, one of them is the understanding of human anatomy and a deep understanding of bodily functions. Doctors suggest that if your period has been delayed by 5-7 days, it would be counted as delayed periods, you can however hit the panic button if you haven’t started menstruating even after 10 days of your expected date of the start of your periods. This in no way means that you are pregnant, there are several causes for delay in periods. Here are 8 reasons for delay in your period apart from pregnancy:…

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Categories Health

Raising Chickens, Keeping The Home Flock Healthy

One of the first things you learn when raising chickens, is how unsanitary they can be. It can seem like an endless battle, trying to keep chicken feeders and waterers clean. Then right after you've finished cleaning that waterer and placed it back in their pen filled with nice clean water, what happens? One or more baby chick jumps on top of it and lets loose a good fecal mass to fill the water with all kinds of bacteria and germs. Since there is no way you can clean and change the waterer everytime an "accident" happens, what are some …

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Categories Tea

Poll: 35% of Black Voters Could Support Tea Party Candidates

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The notion that the emerging Tea Party movement only appeals to a largely White, middle-age male-dominated group could be wishful thinking on the part of the Democratic Party, according to a new poll released Sept. 24, 2010 by

The poll of 1,000 likely voters shows that 35 percent of likely Black voters support the Tea Party movement and 17 percent support it strongly, according to J. Vik Rubenfeld, the conservative media company’s polling director.

“Questions of racism within the Tea Party have been raised for months now,” Rubenfeld said in a statement. “Our survey found that more than one-in-three …

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